Goal: 72 miles (walking, jogging, running) in 12 days. Can I do it? Heck yea! :D
It's exciting setting a high goal knowing that it will be challenging, BUT empowering at the exact same time. The biggest challenge for me when it comes to working out is carving out the time while not sacrificing my already limited sleep hours (because I'm up nursing Zali at least 3 times EVERY night)... and also not neglecting my babies during the day to fit it in.
The moment my feet hits the ground, I get myself ready to workout. I do as much as I can before my kids wake up. When they wake up, it's time for kisses and then breakfast time. After breakfast, I get them ready for the day & straighten out the apt. I then hop back on the treadmill for a quick workout (30 minute max) Get lunch ready. Eat lunch with my kids. Change diapers (if needed) read books, etc. During Azaleas's nap time, I hop back on the treadmill while Addi joins me in exercising by jumping on the bed. I do as much (or as little) as I can until Azalea wakes up or until Addi needs me OR until I'm pooped! I do this throughout the day until I've hit my goal for that day. It's the only method that works for me. It forces me to stay focused during my day and complete tasks one by one and with much order.
I am so much more productive when I work out & my eating habits naturally improve when I bust my butt working off 5 calories and seeing how difficult it is! Multiply those 5 calories by 100 and you will get how much I have to work out when the day comes!
It is definitely not easy or convenient, but it IS necessary!
* 9 miles down. 63 more to go! :D
UPDATE: I managed to finish about 30+ miles or so, but life and cycles got in the way... and I ended up failing this challenge! :( But, ill keep on it... my fitness goals are a test of persistence and perseverance - not of perfection!